
亮点回顾 | 中国美国商会成功举办2023年度女性峰会: 未来女性之光

中国美国商会 中国美国商会AmChamChina 2024-03-03

亮点回顾 | 中国美国商会成功举办2023年度女性峰会: 未来女性之光

AmCham China Celebrates International Women's Day with the 2023 Women of Tomorrow Summit

3月7日,中国美国商会在中国大饭店成功举办了年度女性峰会:未来女性之光。在经历了三年疫情防控限制后,本届峰会迎来了它期待已久的回归。大约 150 位嘉宾参加了此次大型活动。通过打造多元开放的平台,本届峰会汇集了女性企业家、高管、商业领袖等互动交流,探讨并阐明女性在全球经济发展及社会影响力中发挥的关键作用。

On March 7, AmCham China hosted the Women's Summit: Women of Tomorrow at the China World Hotel in Beijing. Around 150 guests joined this annual Signature Event as it made its long-awaited return after three years of pandemic restrictions. This year, the event welcomed a diverse group of female entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and business experts to discuss and shed light on the key roles women play in global leadership development and social impact.

中国美国商会总裁何迈可(Michael Hart)在开幕致辞中欢迎与会者的到来,并表达了对商会恢复举办线下活动的欣喜:仅在过去一周,商会就举办了十几场线下活动及简报会,包括自疫情以来首次举办的线下女性峰会。

AmCham China President Michael Hart opened the event, welcoming attendees, and delivering opening remarks. Hart noted how great it was to be back to in-person events in China, with the Chamber holding more than a dozen offline events and briefings over the past week alone, including the first in-person Women's Summit since the start of the pandemic.

联合国驻华协调员常启德(Siddharth Chatterjee)发表了本次活动的首场主题演讲。他强调了促进多样性、公平性、包容性(DEI)以及在领导岗位赋能女性的重要性。他向女性领袖在公共卫生、经济和气候变化等领域取得的重大成就表示赞赏与敬佩。常启德大使表示,当下全球正围绕促进性别包容性环境而践行的最佳实践展开着热烈讨论,并强调女性领导力对于确保性别平等至关重要。与此同时,他认可并赞许女性在科学、技术、工程和数学教育(STEM)领域取得的贡献,并表示在这些领域支持女性不只是一种平权行动,而是为推动创新及未来发展必须采取的行动。此外,常启德大使提出了几项举措,以支持和鼓励未来的女性领袖,其中包括:在教育和学术界支持女性、为女性在科学技术学习和数字技能培养上提供更多有针对性的支持、推行家庭友好政策,并在家庭与工作中平衡性别角色、合理分工。大使在结束演讲前呼吁男性发挥作用、反对厌女情绪,尤其是在疫情下,社会的不平等现象比以往任何时候都更加突显。

The afternoon's first keynote speech was delivered by United Nations Resident Coordinator in China, Siddharth Chatterjee, who highlighted the importance of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as empowering women in leadership positions. He acknowledged the significant achievements made by female leaders across sectors, including public health, economics, and climate change. Ambassador Chatterjee also discussed the ongoing global discussion around best practices to foster gender inclusive environments, and emphasized that women's leadership is critical to ensuring gender equality. He went on to recognize the contributions of women in STEM fields and said that promoting women in STEM fields is not an act of affirmative action, but rather a must in order to innovate and succeed in the future. Chatterjee suggested several actions to support and encourage future female leaders including supporting women in education and academia, providing targeting support for tech learning and digital skills, introducing family friendly policies, and working to balance gender roles – both at home and in the workplace. Chatterjee ended his speech by calling on men to stand up against misogyny, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed inequalities more than ever before.


Frances Yu, President of Amway China and Co-chair of AmCham China's Women Professionals Committee, gave the second keynote of the day, titled "The Women of Tomorrow Will Be Modeled Today." Yu began by reflecting on the tremendous progress women leaders have made in China, adding that female advancement is an important indicator of social progress and improvement. She shared that Amway implements three steps to create career platform to support women: Ensuring an empowering environment, creating more opportunities to unleash women's potential, and providing tools and resources to build new skills and capabilities to succeed on a larger scale. She went on to commend AmCham China for being a strong advocate for inclusivity and gender equality over the years. Yu concluded her remarks by saying she has been heartened to see more leaders committing and acting to promote future female leaders.


Jian Lu, Corporate Vice President of LinkedIn and President of LinkedIn China, delivered the Summit's final keynote speech in which he called attention to the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership roles. He stated that although women hold 46% of entry-level positions, they only hold 35% of management positions and 25% of C-suite roles. Dr. Lu noted that this trend of underrepresentation becomes more pronounced as women climb the seniority ladder. However, he also pointed out that women are creating leadership opportunities for themselves through entrepreneurship. He went on to suggest flexible working arrangements, female entrepreneurship programs, training, and mentoring as catalysts for change. He emphasized that providing these opportunities as a way to support women can lead to a more diverse and equitable workforce.

本次峰会第一场小组讨论围绕“打破壁垒:女性领导力”这一主题展开。有意思教练的首席执行官高琳女士担任本组讨论的主持人,她同样也是本次峰会的主持人。本组嘉宾包括:波音中国总裁谢利嘉(Sherry Carbary)、Kate Spade(中国区)总裁兼首席执行官王静,以及美国驻华使馆新闻文化处副参赞毕书言(Shari Bistransky)。该组嘉宾探讨了女性在领导角色中面临的挑战以及自己在克服挑战时所采取的战略。谢利嘉是波音中国的首位女总裁,她强调了男性支持的重要性,以及女性主动提问、拥有强大自信及确保在谈判桌上拥有一席之地的必要性。王静总裁分享了她自己在职场上一路攀升的历程,并再次指出女性在领导岗位代表性缺乏的现状,强调了鼓励和提拔女性的必要性。毕书言女士主张支持他人、确保女性的声音得到聆听,并倡导促进包容性的行为。该组嘉宾还探讨了榜样的重要性、通过唤醒内在力量或以前辈作为模范不断进步,以及反向指导的做法(例如向比你年轻至少十岁的人寻求建议)。高琳女士以互动练习结束了本组讨论,鼓励所有与会者将他们人生中不同的优先项进行排名,以此认清该如何更好地平衡工作与生活。

The first panel revolved around the theme of "Breaking Barriers: Women in Leadership". Moderator Lin Gao, CEO of Message Coach, who was also the event's MC, was joined on stage by panelists Sherry Carbary, President of Boeing China; Jennifer Wang, President and CEO of Kate Spade China; and Shari Bistransky, Deputy Public Affairs Officer and Counselor for Public Affairs at US Embassy Beijing. The panel explored the challenges women face in leadership roles and strategies for overcoming them. Carbary, the first female President for Boeing China, stressed the importance of male champions and the need for women to build confidence by asking questions and making sure to take a seat at the table. Wang talked about her own journey working her way up the corporate ladder and also said that the low representation of women at the top highlights the need for women to be encouraged and promoted. Bistransky advocated for championing others, making sure that female voices are heard, and for modeling behaviors that foster inclusivity. The panel also discussed the importance of healthy modeling, the need to find inner strength or someone to act as a sounding board, and the practice of reverse mentoring in which you seek advice from someone at least ten years younger. Lin Gao ended the session with an interactive exercise in which all attendees were encouraged to rank areas of their life in a bid to see where the most wanted to make improvements to their work-life balance.

第二场小组讨论围绕“女性力量先锋:推动工作场所的性别平等”这一主题展开,由中国美国商会市场与传播部高级总监马克(Mark Dreyer)主持。本组嘉宾包括:谷歌中国区战略合作部总经理朱琳女士、安进(中国)政府事务和政策倡导负责人张米伦,以及诺华集团(中国)总裁贝德年(Dan Brindle)。本组探讨了多样性、公平性、包容性(DEI)概念内的几个话题,包括女性需要发声的平台、导师的重要性以及高层管理岗位女性人数的稀少。尽管这一现状令人沮丧,马克先生在引用商会最新发布的《中国商务环境调查报告》时让大家看到了一线曙光:33%的会员公司表示,女性至少占据了其高层管理岗位的一半,该项比去年调查结果增加了5个百分点。与此同时,朱琳女士建议公司在筛选简历时,关注候选者硬件条件之外的潜力与特点,从而避免因局限于一纸文件而做出错误的假设,这样也更有利于公司成功留住员工。本组嘉宾还探讨了在多样性、公平性、包容性(DEI)广泛受到关注的背景下,我们还能做些什么来确保女性发展这一进程不断得以继续。讨论结束前,嘉宾们呼吁女性为自己的权益挺身而出、拥抱机会、认识并最大化自己的宝贵潜能。

The second panel was moderated by AmCham China's Senior Director of Marketing & Communications, Mark Dreyer, and discussed the topic of "Empowerment Champions: Driving Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace". Dreyer was joined by Linda Zhu, Head of Greater China Large Partner Solutions at Google; Milun Zhang, Head of Head of Government Affairs and Policy Advocacy for Amgen China; and Dan Brindle, President of Novartis China. The panelists covered several topics across the DEI spectrum, including the need for women to have a platform to speak up, the importance of mentoring, and the low number of women in C-suite positions. Amid overall discouraging data on the latter point, Dreyer noted the silver lining that forward progress is being made among AmCham China member companies, according to the newly released China Business Climate Survey Report, with 33% of member companies reporting that women occupy at least half of all top management positions, up 5pp from last year’s survey. Elsewhere, Zhu recommended that companies aspiring to successfully retain staff should begin by looking beyond profiles when recruiting in order to avoid making incorrect assumptions, while the panelists also discussed what can be done to ensure that progress continues to be made, as DEI issues become increasingly valued in the workplace. The conversation concluded with a call for women to stand up for themselves, embrace opportunities, and recognize their valuable skill sets.


After the final panel concluded, speakers and attendees were invited to join a cocktail reception to connect, discuss the day's topics, and toast to all women ahead of International Women's Day on March 8.


AmCham China would like to thank its sponsors: Amway, Google, and Amgen.


Host: AmCham China




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亮点回顾 | 中国美国商会成功举办2023年度女性峰会: 未来女性之光

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